This app is only for entertainment purposes. It doesn’t track your purchases, gains or losses. It’s a fun way to follow your crypto-bags and set your moon targets. The app is free to use and is currently in beta-testing. The app does not provide financial advice, and the app is not responsible for any financial losses or gains. DYOR, Do your own research!


Available as a limited beta-testing on TestFlight.



Add your (crypto) bags

You can add your crypto-portfolio (bags) to the app, so that you can follow their daily progress towards your set goals (moons). The bags are the cryptocurrencies you own, and you can set the amount of coins you have. The app will calculate the daily change in your bag value and show you the progress towards your moon.

The app doesn’t track your ROI, gains or losses as it doesn’t track your purchases.

Set bag size and targets

You can set the amount of coins you have, and the app will calculate the daily change in your bag value and show you the progress towards your moon. You can also set a target bag size, and the app will tell you how far you are from your target, and what would be the cost to meet your target bag size.

View bag progress and details

You can view your bag progress and details by tapping on a bag. The view contains current bag value, changes since different time periods, the current and estimated value of your bag when ATH.

The bag view estimates the gap between your current bag and your target bag size. The app will tell you how far you are from your target, and what would be the cost to meet your target bag size.

Price history

Your bag price history is shown as a day, week, month and year chart. The charts are updated using the same quota as any other data. Use pull-to-refresh to reload the chart.

View your bag in AR (“photomode”)

You can view your bag in AR by tapping on the View in AR on the bag view. This will open the AR view where you can pose your coins and take some cool marketing / social media material. The view has a camera shutter button which will screenshot the AR view, and save it on your phone (Photos app). The AR functionality is supported only on those Apple devices that support AR and the performance will vary based on your bag size.

Note that the AR visualization may reveal your bag size to others, so be careful when sharing the AR view.

Mission Control for bags

Mission Control gives you an instant access to your bag overview and their progress. You can follow your daily targets and changes, and keep up with your hopium to someday maybe reaching your moon targets.


While bags are your actual crypto-assets, moons are something that you wish to happen. Moons are your hopium, your dreams, your goals.

Mission Control for moons

Mission Control has a section where you can follow all your moons and their progress. Those won’t change that dramatically daily, but at least you have a place to keep your hopium and dreams alive. There are no limits how many moons you create, so speculate as much as you need.

Create your (crypto) moons

This is where the fun stuff (speculation) happens. Choose your bag and set a moon. A moon can be a specific price target, or a multiplier or a market cap. You also need to set a date by when you expect the moon to happen. You can have multiple moons for the same bag, so you can have a conservative moon and a moon for your wildest dreams.

View your moons

Once you have created your moons, you can view and delete moons from the Moons view. Swipe left to delete a moon, and tap on the navigation bar eye-icon to hide your USD values (just in case you want to share a screenshot of your bags of interest). Tap on a moon to open its details.

Share your moon with your friends

Share your hopium with the fellow copiumists by tapping copy-icon on a moon view. This will copy only the area for the moon values and expectations without revealing your own bag size. 

Supported devices

Runs on iPhone, iPads and macOS (Apple Silicon). The app is optimized for iPhone and iPad, and the macOS version is a direct port from the iOS version. The app is not optimized for macOS, and the performance may vary on macOS compared to iOS devices. Some devices may not have all the features (e.g. AR visualization) due to hardware limitations.

Powered by CoinGecko

The app uses Demo API from CoinGecko ( The API is rate-limited so occasional delays in data updates are possible. You may notice this on Mission Control view where the app will always use from cache if the data is less than 1h old. In case of out-of-quota error, the Mission Control will update the data as from expired cache. If the data is more than 1h old, and there is quota available, then you should see from CoinGecko API.

Free version

The app is free to use and is restricted only by data update cadence. The free/beta version allows data update every 1 hour. If the app received out-of-quota error it will silently revert to use the previous cached coin price. The update frequency/limitation may be changed based on the real-life API usage learnings.

Paid version

There may be a paid-version in case the app needs to be upgraded to Coin Gecko paid subscription to upgrade the API quota/rate. In such case, the features will be kept the same between free and pro, but the pro-version may have a shorter cadence to update pricing info (e.g. every 15 min).

Wen Android?

Someday. Maybe. See Wen Moon (Android)

Customer support

See Contact page for more information.

So, where is the “AI”?

For now the AI is just a marketing postfix to the app name. The app doesn’t yet have any AI features, but there are preparations ongoing to learn and include Apple native AI and ML features to the app. The AI features may include some predictions, analysis or other features that are not yet defined. The AI features will be added in the future versions of the app, and the app will be updated to include those features when they are ready.

The development purpose of the app is to learn new APIs, and AI is definitely one of the items on the list - among AR/VR/visionOS…

Wen Moon AI (iOS)

Beta testing available

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Wen Moon AI (iOS)

Wen Moon (iOS) Privacy Policy

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